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Our Services

Our innovative approach to general practice support

At General Practice Solutions (GPS) we are proud to offer an innovative approach to the management of General Practice. Traditionally, GP practices attend to be small standalone businesses but are equally expected to comply with all the same requirements of larger corporate organisations, without the luxury of specialist departments.

GPS has therefore created a menu of support adoptable on an ad-hoc basis dependent on a specific project, in reaction to a specific matter or to simply ‘plug a void’ in an existing management structure. We offer specific bundles of support on an ad-hoc and long-term basis at highly competitive rates. We also offer access to all our expert departments should a provider commission one of our managers on a minimum term of 12 months.

Interim Primary Care Staff

We are the largest and most cost-effective provider for Interim Primary Care staff...

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Practice Management Support

Traditionally, GP Practices attend to be small standalone businesses but are expected to comply with the same requirements as larger corporate organisation, albeit without the finance to fund specialist departments...

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Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme Staffing

We provide ARRS staff to ensure providers fully utilise the 'use it or lose it' funding and inevitably help them tackle the enormous workload pressures they're currently experiencing.

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Practice Mergers

In an increasingly challenging environment, many GP practices consider merging to be one of the best options to help their businesses thrive...

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Recruitment Services

General Practice Solutions (GPS) offers recruitment services to assist practices, PCNs, Limited Companies and ICBs to appoint the best candidate...

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Project Management

We offset the burden of project managing new-builds, extensions, service delivery of a new left shift service within Primary Care...

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Emergency Caretaking & Procurement

For various reasons, a commissioner may seek Expressions of Interest (EoI) from local providers to ensure services remain operational under a caretaking arrangement...

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Human Resources

If you’re looking to outsource your Human Resources (HR) needs to keep HR costs down, then a consultancy is an effective route to take...

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GMS, PMS & APMS Contract Support

If you have any further questions, please contact us and a friendly member of our team will be happy to assist...

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Practice Manager Mentorship

The GPS management mentorship programs helps new managers adjust to their new positions in leadership...

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District Valuer Assessments

GPS is one of the leading specialists in the primary care property sector. Our highly experienced team of primary care sector experts is trusted by practices nationwide...

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Partnership Agreements & Disputes

Central to the services we provide to GPs is the preparation of a GP Partnership agreement to suit the individual needs of each Practice...

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Regulatory Support

Running a Primary Care business is now more complex than it has ever been before. In the case of GP Practices, this is in part due to the need to achieve CQC registration and meet ongoing compliance requirements...

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Medical Equipment Calibration & Portable Appliance Testing

Due to our ability to provide PAT & Calibration services at scale, we significantly beat any genuine like-for-like quote by up to 30%...

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Accountancy, Payroll & Book-Keeping Services

Our personal approach, industry knowledge, and expertise reduce the time required by you to ensure you are compliant with your accounting obligations...

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Health & Safety Risk Assessments

We know exactly what the law demands of your business. We have practical experience and understand how to balance compliance with commercial needs...

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Financial Health Checks

We have a wide range of General Practice Specialist Associates with specialist skills that include financial forecasting, accountancy, and resilience planning...

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GDPR Support & DPO Services

Non-compliance with GDPR may lead to fines for both large and small businesses. The amount of the GDPR fine is dependent on many factors...

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Policies & Procedures

Without policies and procedures which comply with legislation, reflect best practice and adhere to the latest regulations, you will not...

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Digitisation & Scanning of Medical Records

We have set the ambition to assist most of the health and social care services to have digital foundations in place, including electronic records, by March 2025...

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Your Workforce & Their Wellbeing Service

Effective support for the protection of staff mental and physical wellbeing is not only important for QI013 and QI014 achievement, but most importantly, your workforce as a collective...

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Primary Care Claims

The way general practice is contracted and funded is complex and very different from other parts of the health and care system...

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DBS & Vetting Service

GPS can process background checks using the traditional paper-based method or fully online via our direct link to Disclosure Scotland and the DBS for Basic Disclosures and via eBulk for Standard and Enhanced Disclosures...

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Care Navigation Training

If you are a GP, practice manager or primary care network lead, then our award-winning, accredited care navigation training courses can help you...

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Rostering & Workforce Optimisation

Effective roster management plays a vital role in creating shifts, organising tasks, and ensuring effective communication...

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Clinical Governance

Primary Care is ever-changing, and the health economy is constantly adopting new disciplines to meet the needs of their service users...

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Significant Event & Incident Management

If you're involved in an adverse incident, learning from what went wrong or right helps improve patient care...

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Workflow Optimisation

Worflow optimation is the name for a process that trains an Administrator to effectively and safely read, code, action and complete clinical correspondence...

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Conflict Resolution

GPS has experts who have been involved with developing and delivering workplace mediation services for 30 years and GPS has assembled a UK-wide network...

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Workload Pressures

GPS has a wide range of fully trained and accredited General Practice Specialist Associates who are capable of assisting with the growing pressures of primary care...

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PCN Support

The creation of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) is a key focus of the NHS Long Term Plan; as is the role these networks will play in the delivery of services for people with long term conditions...

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CQC Compliant Cleaning Services

Each cleaning plan for the healthcare sector is bespoke and specifically tailored to your site and is based on the National Specification for Cleanliness in the NHS...

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Estates Management

Our history working with a broad range of Practices, has shown us that not only every property is unique, but that every client is too...

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Annual Leave Management

Businesses that rely on manual processes for absence and leave put employees, Human Resources, and payroll through hard times...

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Management of Complaints

Patient complaints are, unfortunately, something that every organisation faces from time to time...

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Online Management

Today, your reputation online is your reputation. A quick Google search can be make-or-break whether a patient chooses your surgery or another...

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What our valued clients say

  • I now know why GPS is leading the market in primary care. Is there anything they can't do? Amazing service, incredible staff and extremely efficient.

    Dr Malhotra

  • GPS is our preferred provider for all matters including clinical cover, troubleshooting, practice management and HR. We feel prepared for all eventualities.

    Dr Polcaro

  • We now have a full-time GPS Practice Manager who complements our team, and we have access to all their expert departments which is extremely reassuring.

    Anonymous Practice Manager

  • An innovative and overdue approach to the management of General Practice.

    Dr Bendelow

  • GPS delivers our PCN with reliable ARRS staff. We highly recommend their services!

    Mr A Trotter

  • After a period of change and disruption, GPS colleagues brought stability and second-to-none knowledge!

    Anonymous Practice Manager

  • The management of our PCN has been transformed by General Practice Solutions, leaving us to focus on patient care

    Mrs H Doidge

  • We are a small practice and reassured by having access to professional support on a cost-effective monthly retainer.

    Dr Maytum

Online enquiry

If you would like to discuss your practice needs please complete the form below and a member of our team will call you.

Providing NHS services